BEAM Certificate Program Overview

All public health professionals are encouraged to enroll.
To qualify for the de Beaumont Foundation scholarship, applicants must be employed in a governmental public health department or agency and submit a letter indicating supervisor support on company letterhead. Supervisors are required to participate in a post-survey.
To apply, you must:
Be currently employed in the governmental public health workforce
Ensure supervisor agrees to participate in the evaluation
Submit a support letter from their supervisor

Complete the Online BEAM Certificate Program Application.
Within three weeks of submitting your application, accepted students will receive an email containing information on how to access course and program materials.
The Building Expertise in Administration and Management (BEAM) Certificate Program is offered by the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine and the School of Business Administration, in partnership with the de Beaumont Foundation, to develop public health leaders.
Through the BEAM Certificate Program, public health professionals will gain a solid foundation in essential business administration skills that are necessary for career growth and professional development. Developed as an interactive, online, self-paced curriculum, students will examine basic budgeting, finance, accounting, contracts, management, and strategic thinking through the lens of governmental public health. BEAM is geared towards working professionals and their need for strategic tools that drive innovation and success. Our curriculum draws on the expertise of industry leaders and the University of Miami’s stellar faculty and features situational work-based activities.
Scholarships are available to governmental public health employees and currently enrolled students of public health.